CCL’s Conservative Conference brings right-leaning climate advocates to D.C. By Katie Zakrzewski CCL’s Conservative Conference on March 29 and 30 succeeded in uniting right-leaning climate advocates in D.C. and taught 85 volunteers about the importance of right-wing participation in the climate movement. In the weeks leading up to the conference, Nate Abercrombie, the Conservative… Continue reading CCL’s Conservative Conference brings right-leaning climate advocates to D.C.
CCL campaign uses WWII imagery to link clean energy to fight against Putin
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CCL campaign uses WWII imagery to link clean energy to fight against Putin WASHINGTON, D.C., April 11, 2022 — In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, funded primarily by the sale of oil and gas, Citizens’ Climate Lobby has launched a campaign calling for a swift transition to clean energy and electric… Continue reading CCL campaign uses WWII imagery to link clean energy to fight against Putin
How to write a letter to the editor
How to write a letter to the editor By Berit Thorson Letters to the editor, or LTEs, are a highly effective way CCLers can let members of Congress know constituents in their district care about climate action. LTEs are essentially a chance for community members to have their say in print in response to something… Continue reading How to write a letter to the editor
New report: How to cut emissions without deepening debt
New report: How to cut emissions without deepening debt By Jonathan Marshall Champions of fiscal responsibility have had about as much success in recent years as climate activists, with the national debt and carbon buildup in the atmosphere both soaring. Now a prominent Washington-based organization has found a way to marry the two causes… Continue reading New report: How to cut emissions without deepening debt
Returning in-person, CCL prepares for June conference
Returning in-person, CCL prepares for June conference By Katie Zakrzewski With June just around the corner, we are getting geared up for CCL’s International June conference in Washington D.C. The June 11-13 conference is the first international in-person event since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. We can’t wait to see you!… Continue reading Returning in-person, CCL prepares for June conference
SC economists call for a carbon price
SC economists call for a carbon price SOUTH CAROLINA, April 8, 2022 – Citizens’ Climate Lobby volunteers in South Carolina have organized a statement from 10 professors of economics and related fields at six respected institutions across the state. The economists urge lawmakers to support effective climate policies. See the full statement and the signatories below.… Continue reading SC economists call for a carbon price
The latest IPCC report has a lot to say about carbon fee and dividend
The latest IPCC report has a lot to say about carbon fee and dividend By Dana Nuccitelli, CCL Research Coordinator In the third installment of its Sixth Assessment Report (the first two volumes covered climate change causes and impacts), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has summarized the latest scientific research relating to climate… Continue reading The latest IPCC report has a lot to say about carbon fee and dividend
Op-ed: The free market risks collapse if not used to stop climate change
Op-ed: The free market risks collapse if not used to stop climate change By Vik Tantry I am a capitalist. I bootstrapped a successful software company on the core values of grit, resilience, and hard work. Today, we employ more than 60 innovative team members and serve more than 200,000 small businesses around the… Continue reading Op-ed: The free market risks collapse if not used to stop climate change
How to call your members of Congress
How to call your members of Congress By Berit Thorson As someone who was raised in the Midwest during the era of texting and direct messaging, while home phones became increasingly less common, I understand that phone calls can feel intimidating. Personally, I have felt embarrassed leaving voicemails for my friends, let alone a far-off… Continue reading How to call your members of Congress
Citizens’ Climate Radio Ep. 70: Comedy, Climate, and Chihuahuas with Esteban Gast
Citizens’ Climate Radio Ep. 70: Comedy, Climate, and Chihuahuas with Esteban Gast Listen Now! Even when he is being serious, comedian, storyteller, and podcast host, Esteban Gast is hilarious. And for climate advocates looking for some hope, perhaps the sweetest spot in the climate change podcast scene right now is Esteban’s new show, Comedians Conquering… Continue reading Citizens’ Climate Radio Ep. 70: Comedy, Climate, and Chihuahuas with Esteban Gast