Clean energy: What’s the holdup?

Clean energy: What’s the holdup? Imagine a world powered by clean energy. Energy that doesn’t put harmful particulates into the air we breathe. Energy that can be made here at home, and is affordable and abundant. Energy that doesn’t blanket the earth with heat-trapping greenhouse gases, warming up our planet. Sounds pretty good, right? (Unless… Continue reading Clean energy: What’s the holdup?

Episode 83: The Not-So-Cool Effects of Air Conditioning on Climate Change

Eric Dean Wilson Episode 83: The Not-So-Cool Effects of Air Conditioning on Climate Change In this month’s episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio, Eric Dean Wilson fills us in on the not-so-cool history of air conditioning and its complicated relationship to climate change. He is the author of After Cooling: On Freon, Global Warming, and the… Continue reading Episode 83: The Not-So-Cool Effects of Air Conditioning on Climate Change

CCL statement on House passage of IRA rollbacks

CCL statement on House passage of IRA rollbacks April 27, 2023 – This week’s House vote on the debt ceiling proposal, while not exclusively about climate policy, has major implications for America’s clean energy future. The legislation would gut the climate and clean energy provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), representing a “two steps… Continue reading CCL statement on House passage of IRA rollbacks

CCL statement on attempts to repeal IRA climate provisions

CCL statement on attempts to repeal IRA climate provisions April 20, 2023 – Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) strongly opposes any repeal or reduction of the clean energy and climate provisions included as part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) signed into law last year. Climate is a present and growing threat to our communities, to… Continue reading CCL statement on attempts to repeal IRA climate provisions

NBC News covers CCL’s conservative conference

NBC News covers CCL’s conservative conference WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Conservative Climate Leadership Conference and Lobby Day, hosted by Citizens’ Climate Lobby late last month in Washington, D.C., was a big success, bringing together 100 volunteers, staff, speakers and partners, followed by a day of lobbying two dozen Republican offices on Capitol Hill. The event… Continue reading NBC News covers CCL’s conservative conference

How to meet the grid decarbonization challenge

How to meet the grid decarbonization challenge By Jonathan Marshall, CCL Economics Research Coordinator Eliminating climate pollution across every sector of the economy in the next quarter of a century, after two centuries of dependence on fossil fuels, may be the greatest challenge we have ever faced, but it’s also an opportunity to show what… Continue reading How to meet the grid decarbonization challenge

Episode 82: Are Lobbyists Bad? 

    In this month’s episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio, Peterson Toscano and Ruth Abraham feature four high school students who reveal the secret world of teenage lobbying. Brionna Dulay, Saachi Sharma, Cole Cochrane, and Anna Xies all volunteer for Citizens’ Climate Lobby. We asked them, “Are lobbyists bad?”  Brionna Dulay is a high school… Continue reading Episode 82: Are Lobbyists Bad?