Citizens’ Climate Radio Ep. 72: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Climate Climate
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Kaleb Christensen (R) and family
In today’s show, we hear from conservatives who are concerned about climate change, and are engaged in meaningful action. Hannah Rogers, Trevor Jones, and Kaleb Christensen are three young people with ties to the state of Utah who are part of a growing movement in that state. They are each members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). Fusing faith, hope, and love for humanity and all nature, these young, conservative Christians are finding their places in the climate movement.
Hannah Rogers
People of faith play a vital role in talking about the causes and impacts of climate change. They also are an essential part of the growing group of citizens and leaders stepping up to propose and pursue solutions. Our guests tell us about their faith and what motivates them to pursue conservative climate solutions. They also reveal what they bring to the climate movement and why it is essential they have a seat at the table.
Trevor Jones
To some, conservatives concerned about climate change may seem like outliers. However, according to a recent Gallup poll, almost two thirds of Republicans and right-leaning people ages 18-29 acknowledge climate change is caused by humans. Many of these young conservatives are concerned about this. Older conservatives, though, are not usually on the same page, and some progressives can be dismissive of conservatives in the climate movement. Hannah, Trevor, and Kaleb believe the LDS Church has a unique role to play in the Republican Party and the conservative movement.
The Art House
This week in the Art House, you will learn about The Cli-Fi Imaginarium. A group of climate advocates in the United Kingdom were tired of so much talk about dreadful climate impacts and not enough conversations and resources that address actual solutions. They decided they are over dystopia. Using some of the solutions outlined in Project Drawdown, they organize free monthly online workshops for anyone to come as they imagine, “What if?” In these Intro to Cli-Fi Workshops, they ask, “What if we incorporated one of these solutions? How will the world change? How will the neighborhood change?”
Some of the topics they have covered include district heating, tree intercropping, refrigeration, reducing food waste, alternative cement, tidal energy and solar thermal water. While attending one of these Intro to Cli-Fi Workshops, Citizens’ Climate Radio’s host, Peterson Toscano, was surprised to see how their solutions inspired engaging creative writing.
Anyone who attends the workshop is eligible to submit a story to the Cli-Fi Imaginarium. This is a storehouse of creative, inspiring, and sometimes even humorous stories all envisioning a world filled with practical and highly effective climate solutions. If you need a shot of inspiration and a positive vision of our future, visit The Cli-Fi Imaginarium.
You can hear standalone versions of The Art House at Artists and Climate Change.
Good News Report
Our Good News Story today comes from Nate Abercrombie, Conservative Outreach Coordinator for Citizens’ Climate Lobby. He has good news to share with us about a recent event that brought conservatives from all over the country to Washington, D.C., to talk about climate solutions. The event was a huge success.
In other good news, the group leader of CCL’s Yale New Haven chapter in Conn., Eric Fine, told us about a new limited series podcast all about carbon pricing. We hear from Casey Pickett and Naomi Shimberg, hosts of Pricing Nature. They tell us about the show and share some of the conversations they are having.
If you have good news you want to share on the show, or if you have an idea for the art house, email Peterson at or leave a message at our new listener voicemail. The number is (619) 512-9646.
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To hear a preview of the conversations from this week’s episode, watch the video below.
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